

Short Features

Giorgio de Chirico, *Melancholia*, dated 1916, painted ca. 1944–45
Art and Ideas, From the Archives and Library, Surrealism

Pictures for Dreaming: Surrealism in the Dream Monuments Archive

Christo houston mastaba
Art and Ideas, Drawing, From the Archives and Library

Drawing Is a Path Toward Reality: Four Monuments for Houston

Hutchinson image
Contemporary Art, Art and Ideas

Monumental Dreams: A Story for Houston, ca. 1969

Vertical collage of torn paper predominantly of blue, black and cream-colored strips by Gene Charlton
Drawing, Art and Ideas

Torn Papers: Gene Charlton in Rome

Joan Miró, Cover for *transition* no. 24, Fall 1936, from the Menil Library Special Collections.
Art and Ideas, From the Archives and Library, Surrealism

Art, Politics, and Periodicals: Modernist Bugbears of Houston

A black vertical rectangular field with a zig-zagging line wending its way from lower left to upper right.
Contemporary Art, From the Collection, Art and Ideas

Zarina’s Abyss and the Veil of the Beloved

From the Collection, Art and Ideas

Two Yup'ik Masks at Home and Abroad